Does Viagra Cause Headaches

, reviewed by​
Kim Matthews
 – Updated September 20, 2022
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Is there a simple solution to the problem?

As the number of ED drugs increases, so does the scientific knowledge about them. Due to numerous pharmacological studies and post-marketing experience, there are well-documented reports of Viagra and headaches.

The good news is that headache after taking Viagra is less frequent (12.8%) than after taking other first-generation ED pills, such as:

  • Vardenafil (16%).
  • Tadalafil (14.5%).

Avanafil (second-generation ED drugs) is a bit better than Sildenafil-containing pills in this regard, but the difference is less than 3%.

Although all causes of headache as a side effect have not yet been fully identified, the etiology, frequency and duration of this condition are already well understood.

Most often, the pain affects occipital, parietal, temporal or frontal regions of the head. Sometimes the pain spreads to the neck and shoulders and is accompanied by nausea or vomiting.

It is obvious to assume that headache from Viagra occurs while the drug is in the blood system. This adverse reaction lasts from several minutes to several hours (usually no more than 4).

Why does Viagra cause headaches?

ED pills have a vasodilating effect mainly in the pelvic area and to a lesser extent in other body parts. When large and small arteries expand in the space between brain cells, it causes discomfort and headaches.

You should know that other factors can aggravate or lead to pain. They include:

  • Sleep disorders.
  • Unbalanced diet.
  • Hormonal fluctuations.
  • Heredity.
  • High temperature.
  • Weather change.
  • Stress.

How to get rid of Viagra headache?

Here are some proven strategies that may be helpful:

  1. Reduce the dose.
  2. Follow the drinking schedule.
  3. Don’t take the pill on an empty stomach.
  4. Take pain medications.
  5. Change the medicine.

If it is a frequent side effect causing discomfort, increased physical activity, active sports, outdoor activities, and hobbies may help.

You should be aware that excessive use of such drugs can lead to daily headaches. Although this may seem like the easiest solution, don’t overuse painkillers.

Viagra, headache and Paracetamol

You can take Paracetamol tablets while fighting erectile dysfunction. Use recommended doses of Paracetamol no more than once every 4 hours. Don’t use more than 4 mg daily.


So, can Viagra cause headaches? Obviously, it can. It is quite understandable that you can prevent this side effect or reduce its severity. If you see that the effect of using ED pills is associated with any discomfort or health risk, consult a qualified specialist.

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