Can You Take 2 Viagra Pills at Once?

Can you take 2 Viagra pills at ones
, reviewed by​
Kim Matthews
 – Updated September 28, 2022
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Many people who are trying to get better results in their fight against erectile dysfunction decide to increase their medicine dosage. Therefore a question has become popular – Can I take Viagra twice a day? When thinking about this question, people face a lot of doubts. Is it safe to take a double dose of sildenafil? Does this guarantee an effective result? This article will tell you which cases taking a double dose is acceptable.

How many Viagra can you take at once?

To begin with, we should note that there is no standard dose of Viagra, which is equally effective in helping every man. The choice of the dose depends on many individual parameters. At the same time, the generally accepted dose to get acquainted with this medicine is Viagra tablets in 50mg. This dose can effectively restore potency for men with relatively healthy bodies. If you do not experience health problems and taking sildenafil does not cause severe side effects, you can increase the dose to 100mg. More than 100mg should not be taken without a doctor’s recommendation.

Now we can return to the previously mentioned question – is it possible to take 2 Viagra tablets simultaneously? If your body tolerates doses of 100 mg, you can freely take two tablets of 50 mg simultaneously. An equivalent dose can be obtained by taking four pills of 25 mg.

In which cases you can increase the intake on Viagra pills;

  • Lower dose seems less effective;
  • You have no side effects after taking ‘medium dose’ (Viagra 50mg);

Less effective dose may manifest differently:

  • Erection is restored but it is not enought firm for sexual intercourse,
  • You can’t hold an erection until you ejaculate,
  • You need to wait much time for having sex again.

If you are familiar with one of these conditions, then the dose used is not enough for you and increasing the dose is justified.

Can I take 50mg Viagra twice a day?

If your body reacts to taking 100mg of Viagra without unpleasant side effects, you can take two 50mg pills twice a day. Some men take two pills of Viagra 50mg throughout the day. It helps to get prolonged effect and be less limited in planning your sexual activity. If you’d like to do the same, please contact your doctor to get professional advice. Perhaps the prolonged presence of sildenafil in your system can pressure the cardiovascular system.

Taking two 100mg Viagra

Taking two 100mg Viagra tablets simultaneously or throughout the day is a precarious idea. A dose of 100 mg is prescribed to those men whose body is ready for such a concentration of sildenafil.You need to consult a doctor if you take Viagra in 100mg, which does not give you the expected effect. It is recommended not to make an independent decision about such a significant dose increase as a double dose of Viagra 100mg. Taking a double dose does not every time provide a double benefit. Also, it doubles the risk of severe side effects on your cardiovascular system.


Increasing the daily dose of Viagra is an issue that should be treated responsibly. Some men can harmlessly double their Viagra intake. However, the reaction of each organism to sildenafil is unique. If the current dose of Viagra is not enough for you and you do not have cardiac and vascular pathologies, then most likely, your doctor will advise you to increase the dose. At the same time, it is better not to decide without proper research of your organism to take more than 100mg of sildenafil, as this can lead to an adverse reaction in the body.

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