Why Does Viagra Cause Heartburn?

does viagra cause heartburn
, reviewed by​
Kim Matthews
 – Updated September 20, 2022
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Viagra heartburn is one of the frequent effects of the drug. It is due to the drug’s effect on the smooth muscles of your body.

Viagra and all other medicines containing Sildenafil citrate primarily relax the muscles of the penis to improve erection. But other muscles can also relax. For example, it is the sphincter at the top of the stomach.

Usually, this sphincter is tightly compressed, which prevents the entry of highly acidic stomach contents into the esophagus. When using Viagra, the blood flow in it increases, and this muscle relaxes. As a result, acid from the stomach penetrates the esophagus, which leads to irritation of its mucous membrane. Accordingly, symptoms of heartburn appear. This unpleasant phenomenon is known as acid reflux.

Is it possible to manage it?

How to eliminate heartburn from Viagra

Doctors give several tips and tricks that will help reduce or eliminate heartburn when using Viagra:

  • Drink more water;
  • Reduce the drug dose. Experimentally, you can determine that a lower dose of Viagra than you usually take can help you solve your problems successfully. Accordingly, its effect on the smooth muscles of the stomach will decrease, and heartburn will get milder;
  • Use over-the-counter antacids. You can even take them as a preventive measure. However, consider that they may interact with some other medications you are taking or affect the existing problems. So, you should first consult a doctor;
  • Stop drinking alcohol and smoking for the duration of drug action. Alcohol and nicotine increase the risk of heartburn;
  • Eat right. Even without Viagra, overeating or eating too fast can cause heartburn. So, eat something light and in small amounts before and after taking Viagra;
  • Don’t eat foods that cause heartburn. They include fatty fried or spicy foods, coffee, chocolate, tomatoes, and mint;
  • Try to stay upright. This position makes it difficult for acid to rise up the esophagus.


When taking Viagra, you can often have a side effect like heartburn. The reason is that the medicine relaxes the sphincter and the stomach’s acidic contents rise up into the esophagus, irritating its mucous membrane.

It’s unpleasant, but you can deal with it.

First of all, you should drink more water. For the duration of Viagra, you should try to stop drinking alcohol and smoking. Eat less food, avoiding fatty, fried, spicy, and some other foods.
You can use antacids to relieve heartburn: as a preventive measure or symptomatically.

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