Viagra for Pregnant Woman: Benefit or Harm?

viagra for pregnant woman
, reviewed by​
Kim Matthews
 – Updated September 20, 2022
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Doctors often prescribe Viagra to treat erectile dysfunction. The drug causes the relaxation of muscles and blood vessels, which increases blood flow. These properties also make it possible to use Viagra to treat other diseases, such as pulmonary hypertension. Doctors also considered the possibility of using Viagra in pregnancy to fight a dangerous pathological condition.

The thing is that many pregnant women face the problem of impaired blood supply to the placenta, which leads to a delay in the development of the fetus. It seemed that the drug would help with this. During studies, pregnant women with a poorly developed placenta received Viagra. It turned out that Viagra and pregnancy are incompatible. The drug caused severe lung damage in unborn children leading to their death.

So, Viagra for pregnancy can be dangerous. At the same time, its use didn’t affect the health of pregnant women. However, the trials were suspended, and the drug was found ineffective in treating placental insufficiency.

Can I get pregnant if my husband uses Viagra?

Many women ask: «Can I get pregnant if my husband uses Viagra?». To answer the question, you should recall the effects of the drug. It affects the blood flow but has no effect on the quality and quantity of sperm. Many of those who took Viagra became happy parents of healthy children.

In this regard, one can even call the drug a “helper” since it makes sex possible, resulting in fertilisation. If all other indicators are good, Viagra won’t affect your ability to conceive in any way.

What is the benefit of Viagra in labour?

Although Viagra proved ineffective for treating placental insufficiency, it may help solve another problem during childbirth. It is the so-called birth distress of the fetus characterised by the appearance of symptoms of oxygen starvation. To study this issue, new studies have recently started.

Why to use Viagra in labour? According to experts, the drug will improve the blood supply to the placenta and uterus, which means that the child will receive enough oxygen. As a result, you don’t have to resort to emergency methods, such as a caesarean section. But, despite these good prospects, in reality, everything can turn out differently.

Should you use Viagra during labour, and how justified is this step, given the negative results that the drug demonstrated during a study involving pregnant women? Although it is intended to use the drug only during childbirth, would its effect on the baby be too dangerous? So far, there are no answers to these questions.

Сan Viagra cause birth defects: what do the studies say

Pregnant women also worry about the question, “Сan Viagra cause birth defects?“ However, it wasn’t the subject of investigations. The described clinical cases demonstrate no pathologies in newborns.

Considering that the formation of the child’s organs occurs during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, taking the drug during this period can theoretically lead to defects. But the accurate answer to this question requires more detailed and lengthy studies.

Сan Viagra cause miscarriage: study results

As in the case of possible birth defects from drug use, there are no studies on this issue. So, you can’t give a definite answer to the question, “Can Viagra cause miscarriage?”.

Also, no studies confirm the likelihood of stillbirth due to the use of Viagra. The conducted studies don’t demonstrate such a relationship.


Despite the successful use of Viagra for the treatment of erectile dysfunction and other diseases, the use of this drug during pregnancy is debatable. In the early stages of pregnancy, it can provoke fetal death, and the benefits of its use during childbirth have yet to be confirmed. If conception happens while using Viagra, you should definitely inform the doctor about it so that he can review the treatment protocol.

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