Peyronie’s Disease and Viagra. Can You Use the Drug for This Condition?

peyronie disease and viagra
, reviewed by​
Kim Matthews
 – Updated September 20, 2022
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Peyronie’s disease is relatively frequent. It affects about 9% of adult men worldwide, or one in 11 men.

The disease has an acquired nature. It most often affects middle-aged people.

This disease manifests in penile deformation. According to experts, various injuries most often lead to curvature.

Men often ask specialists whether Viagra can help treat this disease. Unfortunately, oral therapy with Sildenafil hasn’t yet been successful in treating the curvature of the penis. However, Viagra still improves erection in men with Peyronie’s disease.

However, authoritative international organizations such as the American Urological Association, the International Society for Sexual Medicine and the Sexual Medicine Society of North America don’t recommend using Viagra specifically for treating Peyronie’s disease.

However, in a small study involving 39 people, published in the National Library of Medicine in 2014, doctors didn’t rule out the possible use of Viagra to fight this disease and recommended further study of this issue.


Today doctors don’t recommend using Viagra for treating Peyronie’s disease since no one has yet been able to achieve significant results.

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