Lyrica and Viagra: Features and Application of Drugs

How do Lyrica and Viagra interact
, reviewed by​
Kim Matthews
 – Updated November 1, 2022
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Treatment of ED often occurs against the background of various related diseases. It means that men must take ED drugs in parallel with other medications. Given that Viagra is one of the most popular drugs of its kind, it is important to know whether they can interact. Is it safe, for example, to combine Lyrica and Viagra?

Lyrica belongs to the category of antiepileptic agents. Its active ingredient, pregabalin, slows the formation of convulsive impulses in the brain. It also helps in the elimination of neuropathic pain. The manufacturer of the drug is Pfizer.

Lyrica is approved for treating conditions such as:

  • neuropathic pain;
  • epilepsy;
  • pain syndrome.

The drug is used both independently and in combination therapy. As you can see, this drug does not directly affect erectile function. Let’s see if the drugs can be combined.

How do Lyrica and Viagra interact?

There is no evidence in the report that Lyrica and Viagra may duplicate each other’s actions. Therefore, their joint use is acceptable and safe. Interestingly, recent research has shown the potential use of pregabalin in treating premature ejaculation.

In the study, men were given a dosage of 150 mg. 82% of them had a significant increase in the time of intercourse. Improvements have been noted regardless of age. Is it possible to talk about the potential use of Lyrica to treat premature ejaculation?

Given that the drug is designed for specific conditions, its use for other purposes is unwarranted and can lead to increased side effects. Until there is sufficient data and research, Lyrica should be used in strict accordance with the instructions, as well as Viagra.

Even though the interactions between these drugs are not revealed, they do not exclude the individual reaction of the particular man. To minimise the possible adverse effects, you should consult your doctor before taking Viagra against the background of the Lyrica treatment.


Lyrica and Viagra are in different groups and are used for different diseases. Despite the particular influence that Lyrica can have on sexual function in the form of increased ejaculation time, it does not affect erectile function or duplicates the action of Viagra. This makes it possible to prescribe drugs in parallel, as there are no interactions between them.

At the same time, an individual reaction is not excluded, as well as the possibility of future data on drug interactions. To minimise possible adverse effects, you must consult a doctor.

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