How to Use Viagra for The Best Results: What Affects The Effectiveness of The Drug

, reviewed by​
Kim Matthews
 – Updated September 20, 2022
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Men have used Viagra to treat ED for over 25 years. The drug eliminates the symptoms of the disease, but you should take it regularly. The effectiveness of Viagra depends on many factors. They include comorbidities such as diabetes or obesity and stress or depression. They can negatively affect the result of treatment. In addition, the drug may not be effective if you don’t follow the recommendations. Let’s find out how to use Viagra for the best results.

Like any medicine, the little blue pill can cause a man fear, especially if he takes the drug for the first time. «How should I take Viagra for the best results?» — he wonders. For your expectations to be met, it is important not to self-medicate but to consult a doctor who will help determine the dosage according to your individual characteristics and medical history.

You can get the best results from Viagra if:

  • The drug is right for you;
  • The dosage is correct;
  • You follow the recommendations for taking the drug.

If at least one of these points is not observed, the effectiveness of the drug may be in question. Some believe it is possible to determine the best time to take Viagra for the best results, but its effect doesn’t depend on the time of day. It is important to watch when you take the drug: before or after meals.

When to take Viagra for the best results: how to determine the time to take the drug

For Viagra to live up to expectations, you should use it on an empty stomach. The thing is that fats can interfere with the penetration of the active substance into the blood. For this reason, taking the drug before meals is advisable. This will be the best time to take Viagra for the best results. Then the drug can be absorbed and begin to work.

Can you take the drug just before sex, or should you do it in advance? Before we answer the question, let’s remember the drug’s mechanism of action. Its active substance inhibits the PDE-5 enzyme regulating the erection process. This leads to the relaxation and expansion of blood vessels, allowing blood to flow to the penis.

As you can see, you should wait for some time after taking Viagra. When to take it for the best results? You should take the drug 30 minutes or 1 hour before sex. In some cases, the drug needs more time to start working. You can only determine your optimal time for taking the drug empirically. Sometimes it can be 2–3 hours.

Is it possible and how to make Viagra work faster

The time of the drug action varies from time to time. Some people have to wait long enough, so they may have a reasonable question: How to make Viagra work faster? Is it possible to speed up the drug’s action, and how to do it?

It’s not that easy. Since the drug’s effectiveness largely depends on the health and related diseases, each man has a different time of action of Viagra. The question of how fast does Viagra work mainly depends on the dosage. But don’t increase it on your own. This won’t accelerate the drug’s action but may increase its side effects.

If the drug’s action is too slow, and you are not ready to wait long, try fast acting Viagra equivalents of the same class of drugs. Some of them begin to work after 15 minutes.

Like Viagra, these drugs are also available by prescription. This is to prevent you from self-medication, which may cause adverse side effects or be ineffective. So, the fastest way to get Viagra is to see a doctor who will write a prescription and give the necessary recommendations.

The best way to take Viagra for the best results is to follow the instructions

As you can see, Viagra can solve the problem with ED only if you create optimal conditions for it to work. You can find them in the instructions for drug use, so the best way to use Viagra is to simply follow the instructions. This way, you won’t make mistakes that will interfere with the effective work of the drug.

Read the Viagra instructions for the best results carefully. Make sure you’re doing everything right. This will help to achieve the desired effect and make the drug work faster.

Does a higher dose of Viagra work better: what to know

Sometimes Viagra doesn’t meet your expectations. For example, you have to wait long for effect, or it turns out to be weak. In this situation, you may ask: Does a higher dose of Viagra work better? Unfortunately no. For the dosage to be effective, you should calculate it for a particular person, considering individual characteristics. In this case, it makes no sense to increase the dose. This may lead to an increased risk of side effects but won’t improve the effectiveness of Viagra.


The effectiveness of Viagra depends on how closely you follow the instructions and whether the dose is correct. Only a doctor can determine it, so you shouldn’t self-medicate and increase your dosage to improve the drug’s effect. Given that Viagra treatment is lengthy, over time, you should often adjust the dosage for it to match the changes happening in your body.

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