How Long Does Viagra Stay in Your System? And How Long Does It Last?

how long viagra stay your system
, reviewed by​
Kim Matthews
 – Updated September 20, 2022
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How long does Viagra last in your system?
Everyone who takes Viagra should know it too:

  • avoid overdose;
  • know how long before sex you should take it;
  • avoid taking drugs that may interact with this remedy for erectile dysfunction.

According to the study conducted in 2000, on average, Viagra lasts from two to three hours before its effects start to diminish. Some factors may influence the drug’s efficacy and make it last up to five hours.

We will answer the most frequent question from people who take Viagra: “How long does it last in your system?” It depends on the following factors:

  • Dosage. It is clear that 25mg won’t last as long as 100mg. However, you should take the dosage recommended by your doctor because taking a higher dose may increase the risk of side effects;
  • Age. Metabolism slows down with age. That is why Viagra may last longer if you are 65 or older;
  • Diet. Heavy or high-fat meal before taking Viagra can delay its absorption. However, it may increase the duration of its action. Drinking alcohol and smoking may decrease the blood flow to the penis, thus making Viagra less effective or making it last shorter;
  • Medication. Some drugs, especially antibiotics, may affect the amount of time that Viagra lasts;
  • Health. If some temporary or chronic disease weakens your body, it may influence the effectiveness of Viagra;
  • Mental state. The drug efficacy may decrease or even eliminate anxiety, nervousness, depression, and stress.

How Long Does Viagra Stay in Your Blood?

The half-life of Viagra (Sildenafil) is approximately four hours. It means that during this time, half of the amount of the drug taken leaves your bloodstream. In the next four hours, you have only ¼ of the dose left in your blood.

Some men had a strong erection 10 hours after taking a tablet; however, its duration was noticeably reduced.

It takes Viagra 24 hours to leave your bloodstream entirely.

That is why taking more than one tablet once in 24 hours increases the risk of adverse reactions.

How Long is Viagra Detectable in Your Urine?

Routine pre-employment drug screening doesn’t test for Viagra. However, those who want to avoid any possibility that a potential employer finds out about their future employee taking the drug should know the following:

  • Viagra is excreted through the urogenital system;
  • depending on your metabolism, Viagra can take from 6 to 24 hours to entirely leave your body;
  • it can only be detected by specific tests, including GC/MS and HPLC/MS.

Summing Up

Usually, Viagra lasts for 2-3 hours after intake. However, its effect may last longer due to some factors.

The half-life of the drug is four hours.

The medication fully leaves your system in 24 hours.

Routine drug tests don’t detect Viagra in the body; they can be done only with specific tests.

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