How Does Viagra Help With Performance Anxiety?

Viagra performance anxiety
, reviewed by​
Kim Matthews
 – Updated September 20, 2022
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You should consider erectile dysfunction in several aspects. First of all, it is a physiological disorder. When you have it, your penis can’t perform its function properly. But there is another side to the problem. It is anxiety about sexual failure. You can solve the problem of performance anxiety with Viagra fast enough.

As practice shows, anxiety about the inability to perform the sexual function is a common problem among men with erectile dysfunction. Also, you have it both before sex and during it, which negatively affects the relationship of partners.

You can use psychotherapy or discuss the problem with your partner to deal with it. But unfortunately, not every man is ready to talk openly about their problems. Usually, they prefer to hide their anxiety, thereby only worsening the problem. Your solution may be Viagra for performance anxiety.

The drug will help restore physiological function, increasing your self-confidence as a sexual partner. For best results, experts prescribe Viagra in combination with other methods of fighting anxiety.

Can you successfully use 25 mg Viagra for performance anxiety

A doctor prescribes the dose of the drug for the treatment of erectile dysfunction based on your complaints and your characteristics. Doctors often prescribe a 50 mg dose, but 25 mg and 100 mg doses are also possible.

How effective is 25 mg Viagra for performance anxiety?

In this case, you should ask how effective this dosage is for treating erectile dysfunction. If a small dose of the drug helps with the physiological problem, it will be enough to improve your psychological state. You should consult a doctor to know the required dosage in each case.

Why is Viagra not working for performance anxiety

Although the drug demonstrated high effectiveness in treating erectile dysfunction, sometimes people report Viagra not working for performance anxiety. Why is it so?

It’s most likely a dosage issue. It may not be enough to eliminate all the consequences of the disease, so a man cannot feel 100% sure.

You should talk about your worries to your doctor. The doctor may increase the dose or add other methods to treat anxiety if he considers the dose to be optimal. Don’t increase the dose on your own.


Men with erectile dysfunction may often worry about their sexual viability. This negatively affects relationships with a partner and the quality of life in general. In such a situation, Viagra can be useful both for eliminating physiological disorders and increasing self-confidence. Often, prescribing a drug is enough to eradicate a psychological problem. Otherwise, you may use other methods.


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