Does Olive Oil and Lemon Work Like Viagra or Not

, reviewed by​
Kim Matthews
 – Updated September 20, 2022
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ED is a quite common male pathology today for the treatment of which effective drugs Viagra and Cialis are developed. Along with the use of traditional drugs, many are asking themselves, are there any natural remedies for treating ED? For example, can products such as olive oil and lemon for Viagra be a substitute?

Indeed, many natural products are known for their ability to improve the condition of patients with ED since they provide the body with the necessary substances for the proper functioning of the male sexual system. In particular, products with a high nitrogen oxide content are useful.

Does olive oil and lemon juice act as Viagra? This question was largely prompted by publications in the popular press claiming, for example, that olive oil can handle ED as well as Viagra. It cannot be said that such articles give false information. Rather, it is not accurate enough.

Considering lemon juice and olive oil as natural Viagra can be possible with a stretch. The difference between them lies primarily in effect. Viagra acts quickly, providing the desired result in 30 minutes, and the effect of natural products is accumulative, and it can be seen only in the long term.

Olive oil and lemon for Viagra: no competition at all

No natural herbal remedy can compare to a medical drug at the speed of action. It’s different when we talk about an overall improvement in some human body organs. Good results can be achieved by replenishing supplies of useful substances from products. But they will not be instantaneous; it will take time.

Does olive oil and lemon work better than Viagra: a few facts

How can the use of lemon and olive be beneficial in terms of male health? This cocktail is indeed rich in substances that have an indirect effect on potency. You cannot, however, say that olive oil mixed with lemon is better than Viagra. Oily fats support the cardiovascular system, on which erection also depends. The lemon is rich in vitamin C, essential for the health of the vessels. When you use a cocktail, you reduce the amount of «bad» cholesterol, which blocks blood flow, and improves the elasticity of vessels. How much olive oil and lemon are better than Viagra? Since these products do not directly affect potency, it is impossible to say that they are better than Viagra.

Lemon and olive oil vs Viagra: what’s better

In the competition “olive oil and lemon vs Viagra”, the last one wins as it can quickly solve the problem with erection. At the same time, do not forget about the side effects that can occur during drug administration. Sometimes they turn out to be so pronounced that taking the med has to be stopped.

Natural products usually have no side effects; with moderate consumption, they only benefit the body, so you should not give up on them. The best solution is to permanently include lemon and olive oil in your diet and take Viagra when necessary. Over time, the condition of the vessels can improve significantly, reducing the need for Viagra to a minimum.

Olive oil and lemon with Viagra: how to use. Simple recipe

Does mixing olive oil and lemon work like Viagra? No, but such a cocktail will undoubtedly benefit your cardiovascular system. To prepare it, you will need:

  • 200 ml of warm water;
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil;
  • half-lemon juice.

Mix all ingredients. It is better to drink a cocktail every morning half an hour before breakfast. As a result, the condition of the vessels will improve over time, and Viagra will have to be used less frequently.


Lemon and olive oil’s benefits are that they keep the heart and vessels healthy. Thus indirectly, their use affects the erection, but the effect is cumulative, unlike taking Viagra. Do not rely solely on natural products. ED therapy should be comprehensive, including nutrition, lifestyle and medicines. Then you can expect a significant improvement not only in male health but also in general well-being.

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