Can You Use Viagra After a Stroke: What Do the Studies Say

can viagra cause a stroke
, reviewed by​
Kim Matthews
 – Updated October 19, 2022
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A stroke is a severe condition after which life often turns upside down. The physical and mental capabilities of a person who has had a stroke change. It affects his relationships with other people, including his personal and sex life.

Everyone who has had a stroke can have sexual problems. Is there a solution to this situation? Is it possible to use traditional methods to restore the potency and joy of life?

Can you use Viagra after a stroke?

The answer to this question depends mainly on the severity of the stroke. Some patients take a long time to recover and feel the effects of a stroke for months or even years. The main complaints include:

  • Muscle weakness or muscle spasms that restrict movement;
  • Tactile sensation changes, such as numbness;
  • Fatigue;
  • Hormonal imbalance (sometimes), etc.

As you can see, these symptoms are incompatible with a stable and healthy erection. However, there are no definite recommendations for using Viagra during this period. According to a study, using Sildenafil at a dosage of 25 mg once a day for two weeks did not negatively affect subjects with mild to moderate stroke.

However, experts do not recommend taking PDE-5 inhibitors for at least 3 months after a stroke until blood pressure is completely restored.

When can Viagra cause a stroke

Viagra is widely used to treat ED and is considered safe. But it is safe only if you follow the recommendations of a specialist and do not exceed the prescribed dosage.

Can Viagra cause a stroke? Such cases have been documented.

Men with heart and blood vessel damage caused by other diseases, such as diabetes, are at risk. For them, any deviation from the treatment regimen can lead to the most unfortunate consequences. In severe cases, the drug may be contraindicated. As practice shows, the main reason for the potential danger of Viagra is an overdose of the drug.

If you take the drug with all the prescribed precautions and after consulting a doctor who is aware of all your diseases, you should not be afraid of heart attacks or strokes. To minimise the drug’s negative consequences, you should buy it by prescription.

A stroke is a rare side effect of Viagra, but you should not completely ignore it. Everyone should know it before taking Viagra.


Despite the high safety of Viagra for most men, in rare cases, the drug can cause a stroke. You can have this condition against the background of severe problems with the heart and blood vessels and in case of a significant overdose.

To avoid possible serious consequences, you should not self-medicate. Only a doctor can assess the safety of Viagra for you and prescribe the appropriate dosage.

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