Can You Have Viagra Side Effects For Vision

Viagra side effects for vision
, reviewed by​
Kim Matthews
 – Updated September 20, 2022
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Viagra is good for treating erectile dysfunction. Most doctors prescribe this medicine because of its effectiveness and safety. As with the other drugs, Viagra has minor side effects, but it turned out that Viagra side effects for vision can be much more serious.

According to recent data, high doses of the drug lead to vision problems. All men involved in the study took Viagra at the highest dosage of 100 mg without a prescription. All of them had vision problems such as hypersensitivity to light, blurred vision, and color blindness. Moreover, the perception of colors changed, and men began to see everything in blue. Interestingly, the side effects persisted for some time after the main effect of the drug stopped.

Experts found a relationship between Viagra and eye problems, which forced them to reconsider their attitude to the drug as being absolutely safe. The main recommendations for the users are as follows: use the medicine only at the dose prescribed by a doctor and under his control; buy the drug only from reliable sources.

Why can you have a blue vision from Viagra

You can explain the negative effect of Viagra on vision by the specifics of its action on the body. The main effect of the drug is to increase blood flow by inhibiting phosphodiesterase 5, the enzyme responsible for muscle tension. But what is the reason for a blue vision from Viagra?

By disabling the enzyme, the drug affects the related enzyme of the retina, which leads to various kinds of visual impairment. Besides, a sudden blood flow to the optic nerve can also cause vision problems. People with heart disease or hypertension can often have these types of disorders.

Did the doctor prescribe Viagra? A blue vision, like other visual side effects, is possible only if the dosage is too high. Don’t forget about it. So, the main way to get rid of it is to stop taking the drug or reduce the dosage. If the doctor prescribes the drug to you for the first time, he should increase the dosage gradually, considering your health condition. In addition, men taking the drug regularly should periodically have an eye examination to prevent the development of a serious pathology.


We know Viagra as a reliable and safe drug. It helps many men get rid of potency problems and significantly improve their quality of life. However, Viagra can cause vision problems, which usually go away when you stop taking it or reduce the dosage. You should pay attention to your sensations and contact your doctor if necessary. And you should be especially careful if you have heart disease and arterial hypertension.

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